Niel McTiernan has been awarded Knight of the Month for June 2023. Niel has been quite involved with our council and held various positions.
Left to Right: Niel McTiernan, Knight of the Month June 2023 – Brian Hope, Grand Knight
Niel McTiernan has been awarded Knight of the Month for June 2023. Niel has been quite involved with our council and held various positions.
Left to Right: Niel McTiernan, Knight of the Month June 2023 – Brian Hope, Grand Knight
Knight Certificate of Exemplification presented to the newest Third Degree Member Ivan Issaca
Left to Right: Ivan Issaca, Knight – Brian Hope, Grand Knight
Victor Leblanc has been awarded Knight of the Month for May 2023. Victor held various positions including Grand Knight, and made a lot of contributions to Council 9270.
Left to Right: Brian Hope, Grand Knight – Victor Leblan, Knight of the Month May 2023
As a result of the Baby Bottle Exchange Program, Council 9270 was able to donate $1400 to Birthright
Left to Right: Ray March, Grand Knight – Sheila Gorman, Birthright Moncton – Cathy Perry, Exec Director, Birthright Moncton – John Gallant, Project Coordinator – Fr. Phil Mulligan, Pastor
The Knights of Columbus Riverview Council 9270 are please to join with other stakeholders to support the initiative to replace the roof which was leaking on the Dan Bohan Family Centre. We are providing our full support to this initiative in order to allow this building to remain a vibrant family centre to hold community and family events for many years to come.
Please note that effective December 31 st, 2013 our recycling program will no longer be accepting paper products due to a lack of demand in the market. We will however continue with our recycling of bottles. We thank all of those individuals and groups who have supported the paper recycling program in the past.
Louis McGinn
The Riverview Knights of Columbus Council 9270 was the very pleased to be an early contributor of 25,000 to the Building on Pillars of Faith Campaign which set out to Raise 1,000,000 to complete major renovations to our Church. After a lot of hard work from our community the church renovations are now complete for ALL to Enjoy and worship within.
CHARITY, UNITY and FRATERNITY are our Pillars as Knights!
Riverview Knights Council 9270
Immaculate Heart of Mary Knights of Columbus
5 Fatima Drive
Riverview, NB E1B 2X8
Tel: (506) 386-6178
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