Albert County Food Bank Donation
The Grand Knight of Council 9270 Riverview hands a $870 Donation cheque to Paul Mcgrath of Albert County Food Bank.

Ray of Hope Kitchen Donation
The Grand Knight of Council 9270 Riverview hands a $350 Donation cheque to Harvest House

Harvest House Donation
The Grand Knight of Council 9270 Riverview hands a $350 Donation cheque to Harvest House

Moncton Pregnancy & Wellness Center Donation
The Grand Knight of Council 9270 Riverview hands a $500 Donation cheque to Moncton Pregnancy and Wellness Centre.

Friends of the Moncton Hospital Cancer Project
The Grand Knight of Council 9270 Riverview hands a $500 Donation cheque to Friends of the Moncton Hospital Cancer Project.

Coats for Kids
The current Grand Knight and Immediate past Grand Knight both of Council 9270 Riverview handed over the coats to Moncton HeadStart for Distribution.

Social Action Committee
The Grand Knight of Council 9270 Riverview presents Mark Mahoney with a $ 2,000 cheque for the Social Action Committee. The donated funds are from our Rafflebox proceeds.
